I want to begin by noting that Netflix has simply responded to the disappointing returns on its investments.
The recent developments are not likely to resonate significantly within the industry. It’s interesting to point out that there are more content creators active on YouTube platforms.
One important question is: how many original productions were actually commissioned, and how many Nigerian filmmakers benefited from these projects?
The answer is very few. Consequently, I don’t foresee any substantial implications from this situation.
In a country with a population close to 250 million and only 169,000 subscribers, the investment landscape looks bleak. The challenges we face are largely systemic, stemming from infrastructural deficits.
Power supply issues, high data costs, and connectivity problems all contribute to this unfavorable environment.
Regarding claims of exploitation, I believe these concerns are misguided, especially when considering the ROI I mentioned. Netflix invests more heavily in South Africa due to its larger subscriber base of 1.7 million in a population of 64 million.
Additionally, the assertion that Netflix exited Nigeria because some producers mismanaged funding is unfounded. Furthermore, the notion that a Nigerian filmmaker’s comments led to Netflix stopping original commissions may not be true as it is mot evidence based.
For the record, Netflix is still active in Nigeria and continues to acquire content, albeit with the expectation that films will have theatrical releases.
In my view, this approach could revitalize the cinema-going culture, which has been declinin, however this processs must be monitored with caution as the distributors turned aggregstors do not turn into monster.
Ultimately, we must advocate for improvements in the power sector, as the current state of electricity affects all businesses in Nigeria.
** Duker, a Filmmaker and Founder of the Abuja International Film Festial, writes from Calabar